Random Observations #2

1.  Using the term “y’all” in conversation automatically labels you an outsider.

Me:  Are y’all going to take down that tree or is another crew going to come do that?

Workman:  Y’all?  You’re not from here are you?

2.  Women in Alaska don’t refer to each other as “honey”.

Me:  Oh, honey, I made that entire cake from scratch.  Icing and everything.

Friend:  Did you just call me honey?

Me:  Um, yeah.  Do they not do that here?

3.  There seems to be an abundance of redheads in Anchorage.  I’m not sure why.  My theory is a lot of people have families that migrated from Minnesota and Wisconsin and thus brought Nordic genes with them.  Not sure if that is even slightly correct, but it’s the answer I’m going with.

4.  Keeping a chicken coop seems to be a bad idea.  In the past two days, two brown bears have broken in to chicken coops to try and get one last good meal before hibernating.  Unfortunately, both bears were shot.  One incident occured out on Kodiak Island and the other only two minutes from my house!

5.  October 22nd is way too early to have temperatures in the teens.

2 thoughts on “Random Observations #2

  1. It may be the USA, but Alaska is a totally different country in so many ways. It’s harsh and it’s beautiful, and it’s a way of life unlike anything we in the lower 48 can even begin to imagine. Just accept the difference and revel in the opportunity to experience them.

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